Updated May 6th to include pickleball; add more details
Beginning Wednesday, May 6th, the Rodes Farm Court will be available for Tennis and Pickleball. The rules related to both types of use will be posted at both gates.
To help facilitate play, court reservations will be allowed using sign-up sheets located inside the screened pavilion.
The effectiveness of the reservation process will depend on owners using this tool and abiding by the time restrictions. Until the resort courts re-open for play, this court is unlikely to satisfy community demand. To allow more owners court access, court times are restricted to 1-hour blocks. This 1-hour use restriction should be a temporary measure.
Court use is restricted to Wintergreen property owners and accompanied guests ONLY.
Court use is managed by a sign-up list posted inside the pavilion. Until additional courts open within our community, court time is restricted to 1 hour per group.
No social gatherings on the courts.
Either bow to your opponents or partners, wave, air high five, instead of the regular pre- or post-match handshakes.
COVID-19 poses a serious health risk. Anyone choosing to use these courts does so at their own risk and should take every precaution to avoid possible exposure.
Follow CDC’s guidance on personal hygiene prior to heading to the court – wash hands, carry hand sanitizer, do not use pickleball court if you have symptoms, cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, etc.
COVID-19 Rodes Farm Tennis Court Rules & Regulations:
Use new tennis balls and racquet grips whenever possible.
Each person should use their own tennis balls on the court AND label them.
When changing sides, do so on opposite sides of the court.
Observe at all times CDC’s minimum recommended social distancing of six feet from other people. Practice it and know what it looks like.
Bring the necessary supplies (hand sanitizers, wipes) to disinfect your way in and out. If you need to open the gate, clean before and after.
Come prepared to play, do not share towels, food, drinks, chairs, equipment, etc.
Either bow to your opponents or partners, wave, air high five, instead of the regular pre or post-match handshakes.
No social gatherings on the courts.
Court use is managed by a sign-up list posted inside the pavilion. Until additional courts open within our community, court time is restricted to 1 hour per group.
If a park, beach, or recreational facility is open for public use, visiting is okay as long as you practice social distancing and everyday steps such as washing hands often and covering coughs and sneezes. Follow these actions when visiting a park, beach, or recreational facility:
Stay at least six feet from others at all times. This might make some open areas, trails, and paths better to use. Do not go into a crowded area.
Avoid gathering with others outside of your household.
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
Bring hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol to use if soap and water are not available.
Because of the close proximity of play in pickleball, owners are encouraged to watch this video about playing during the current COVID-19 outbreak. The presenter is an epidemiologist and avid pickleball player.
COVID-19 Rodes Farm Pickleball Rules & Regulations:
Use new pickleballs and racquet grips whenever possible
Each person should use their own pickleballs on the court, consider serving with different color pickleballs or label them clearly
Pickleballs should be cleaned throughout the game with every effort made to not pick up pickleballs with your bare hands
Avoid changing sides of the court. If you must, do so on opposite sides of court.
Observe at all times CDC’s minimum recommended social distancing of six feet from other people. Practice it and know what it looks like.
Because of the difficulty maintaining social distance on the pickleball court, USAPA recommends singles only play unless your doubles teammate is a member of your own family or household
Bring the necessary supplies (hand sanitizers, wipes) to disinfect your way in and out. If you need to open the gate, clean before and after.
Come prepared to play, do not share towels, food, drinks, chairs, equipment, etc.