Level of Community Transmission. Daily change, July 1 to July 28, 202, by locality. See most recent updates here. (Source: CDC)
Suddenly and unexpectedly, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised that fully vaccinated individuals should wear masks in public indoor settings in areas where the virus is spreading rapidly. Did they change their mind or did things change?
The CDC’s timeline map above shows what happened in Virginia regarding the level of the transmission of the virus on the community level in July: Things changed and they changed rapidly.
While the COVID-19 situation improved in Nelson County (as of July 27), in all of our surrounding localities the rate of transmission became worse–in some cases, much worse–in the last 10 days before the CDC’s July 27th change in their recommendations on wearing a mask.
"To maximize protection from the Delta variant and prevent possibly spreading it to others, wear a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial (in orange on the map below) or high (red) transmission,” explains the CDC. Go here to see all the current recommendations from the CDC.
Nelson County is in awesome shape right now, but this area is unique in Virginia. Unless you never leave Nelson, and never come into contact with anyone who has left Nelson, then it's time to be cautious.
–Curtis Sheets, Wintergreen Fire & Rescue